Changes in the Season

A welcome change in the weather has reminded me of how much I love this time of the year. I don’t mind a little cold weather; I really love changes in seasons. I have come to the realization I don’t have enough sweatshirts. My workplace is chilly, I have the heater on as we speak. Looking forward to getting out to do a bit of walking on the beach.

I’ve made a breakthrough with the “buoy” puzzle. I began putting colors together to form the various buoys and whenever I see a possibility, I’ll go ahead and try to fit it in.

As you can see, that’s given me plenty of gaps in the puzzle. Rather than looking for a particular piece, I’ve resorted to picking up a piece to try to find out where it might fit. A little different strategy, but it seems to be working.

I got so excited when I began, I went out to Amazon and ordered 3 more puzzles. When the 2,000 piece one arrived, my husband asked me if I was insane. Yes, temporarily! I don’t even have a table big enough to work a 2,000-piece puzzle. So, I’m taking it to my daughter. She’ll love it!

Lately, the tension around here has become a bit intense. We’ve recently had a family member undergoing a pretty radical surgery. He should be out of ICU by the time you read this article. We thank God for his progress.

Other stress I’ll chalk up to changing payroll systems at work. What looked like a future of less work and more employee interaction has resulted in Zoom after Zoom calls and many emails. Oh d-d-d-dear-dear. This too shall pass!

Very exciting news, we finally began sending out applications to our 2025 Texas Crab Festival vendors. New stuff there too. We have a new system for billing our vendors. Last year, whatever system we used generated a pay-by-credit-card prompt. This year, after the vendor accepts our invitation, WE generate the invoice. I’m liking the process so far, but it’s created a necessary concentration condition. I’m not a pro at multi-tasking, which requires me to stick to one thing at a time, no interruptions and no “Butt Firsts.”

I’ve found the best therapy of all is to water my plants or to get out there in my garden. So, getting out in my garden is exactly what I did the other day. I’ll get Izzy out there again to help me, but for now, it was so rewarding to begin chopping away at all the dead stuff. Not the hibiscus yet, I’ll need to wait until I’m sure they’re totally dead. Over the years, I’ve come to realize they have this uncanny knack of coming back to life. My League City daughter has put her plumerias out again. I put two back out, the ones I had in pots already. Today, I may go plant the other two I pulled out of the ground.

We have a little room, it’s the Man Cave. It has a heater and the extra freezer and the extra refrigerator living in there. We put many of our potted plants there for the cold weather. They loved it! My lemon tree even has buds on it. Ah, that heavenly smell of lemon blossoms!

I’m sure I’ve filled the page by now, time to wind this up.

I’ll see you at the beach!

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Georgia's Sand Bucket is only one beach bum's journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you. Email:



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