CERT Training coming to Crystal Beach

The Galveston County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.

CERT Academy 2025 in Crystal Beach

This training is completely free of cost! The academy will be held at the First Baptist Church – Crystal Beach, 1260 TX Hwy 87, Crystal Beach, TX 77650.

The training dates and times are as follows:
Friday, Feb.7 — 6 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturday, Feb. 8 — 8:30 am to 5 pm
Sunday, Feb. 9 — 1:00 to 5 pm
Friday, Feb. 21 — 6 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturday, Feb. 22 — 8:30 am to 5 pm, Graduation Drill in Afternoon at Fort Travis

You need to attend all the class session and times to complete the academy. Some missed time can be made up by turning in an outline of the material missed in class, but you cannot make up the work on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, in the afternoon. If you must miss the class and drill on the 22nd, it can only be made up with another CERT Academy in the near future.

All materials will be provided for you, and you will receive emergency supplies and personal protective equipment.


If you have any questions, please contact:
John Herrmann
Galveston County CERT Coordinator
281-615-7636 or email: john.herrmann@co.galveston.tx.us

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