Port Bolivar Cemetery
was established between 1885 and 1890. There was seven
recorded graves before 1900. They were the descendants
of the Simpton’s, Schreiber’s, Clinton’s and Megg’s.
In the early 1900 the recorded family graves are
Johnson’s, Lindner’s, Langham and Shaw. There are dome
unknown names for grave site located in the cemetery.
In 1994 Jane Ewing located and record all graves. 1972
1.76 acres and in 1994 1.33 acres was donated by the
Jeffery Family. In 2011 the Andrew Johnson Family
donated 0.36 acres. The cemetery is free of charge for
the residents of Port Bolivar and their families. The
cemetery is maintained by donations and volunteers.
For more information website search Find a Grave Port
Bolivar Cemetery.